DaBox demo - Summary

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Project Description: This program is intended as a demo for graphics and general programming. It places the user in a 6-sided (4 sides, roof, floor) box basically in which all the sides are texture mapped in the RGB channels and then gloss mapped in the alpha channel. It allows the user to pan the camera based using an analog stick and translate it using the other. It also contains a collision detection algorithm and uses SPS2, PS2GL, PS2SDK, GSLib, and EE-Newlib. It uses the core and both vector units, along with a few IOP modules, including a pad manager, a sound driver (it will have sound), and I can't decide if I should map the analog sticks to the game axes in the IOP or the EE core (I hope I don't have to use a VU for this). It consists of three components: initialization, application-stage graphics processing, the rendering loop, and the input/output components. I render the textures using a small ambient light and I don't believe that any specular or diffuse lighting will play a part.

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