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Discussion Forums: General


Message: 51063
BY: pjmlp
DATE: 2009-Sep-02 06:39
SUBJECT: Bye Playstation


just to complain about the removal of the Linux support on the new PS3.

I had a nice experience with the PS2 Linux kit and have been postponing my PS3 purchase, expecting that eventually Sony would provide the same level of hardware access as on the PS2.

Unfortunally Sony has decided to stop supporting Linux, and with the company's decision my hope of proper hardware access is now gone.

It may not matter, but Sony has just lost a PS3 sale.

I also find curious that Sarah's post about this issue, has been mysteriously removed from the forums. Would the same happen to my complaint?

Paulo Pinto


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Bye Playstationpjmlp2009-Sep-02 06:39


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