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Posted By: abertsch
Date: 2002-Jul-17 09:00
Summary:US: Linux (for Playstation 2) Kit temporarily unavailable

The Linux kit will be unavailable for order in North America while the e-commerce function of is reorganized. It will be at least a couple of weeks, but kits will be available again through when the reorganization is complete. Thanks for your patience everyone.

Other territories are unaffected: ordering from Europe, New Zealand & Australia continues as before.

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Discussion Forums: Linux (for Playstation 2) Kit temporarily unavailable


Message: 23222
BY: gaarunda
DATE: 2002-Aug-12 11:02
SUBJECT: PS2 as Media Server

OK, here's the idea. (NOTE that by publicly disclosing this, nobody can patent this idea and anyone can work on it). I'd like to start working within a group to develop a low cost Media Server using IEEE1394 devices (i.e. Firewire, iLink, etc.). Since PS2 has a 1394 port on it, this is the best platform I can think of for this application. And since Linux is available for PS2, that makes things even easier. What I need to know is:
1) is the PS2 version of Linux open source?
2) is this Linux version available for free download, or only available as a purchased product?
3) does this Linux version support the 1394 port?

Note, Apple has released a free 1394 reference platform that could be useful.

I assume that there are Linux versions of Real Player, MS Media Player, and Apple's Quick Time video player that could be useful.

100 GByte hard drives are about $150 each. Enclosures that hold IDE drives are available with 1394 interface for about $95 (see

It should be possible with a PC or MAC to create MP3 audio files and to copy MPEG versions of movies from DVDs (or create MPEG from Tapes with the proper SW and equipment). This media drive then should be able to be accessed by the PS2 to play the movies of the music that would play though the Composite video and Audio ports of the PS2 onto a TV or into a Audio system.

With the cost of the PS2 (I'm not sure, but I assume $200), plus the drive and 1394 enclosure, that is approx. $350 for hardware.

Any thoughts on this idea? I'm interested in hearing any or your ideas.


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PS2 as Media Servergaarunda2002-Aug-12 11:02


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