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Posted By: abertsch
Date: 2002-Mar-29 16:29
Summary:Monitor List

Sony had an independant group test many brands of monitor for sync-on-green compatiblity with Linux for Playstation 2. The results are in the documents section of the ps2linux project on this site. Check it out at:

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Discussion Forums: Monitor List


Message: 10464
BY: rdel
DATE: 2002-May-29 13:57
SUBJECT: word of caution

I don't know if anyone else remembers the manufacturers' and Windows' warning about monitors being damaged if it does not support the resolution and refresh rate you are trying to use. I knew SOG would be the thorn in the side of PS2 Linux when I first heard about it.

Now they're going to try to build an adapter? I hope they know they need to power it somehow. Its not like a sex change (gender adapter:) If something smells like its being flash fried... run. Some are even talking about blind install and blind edit? HTH do you do that? Sad.

After its set up? They are going to have keep unhooking it then hook it up to the TV should they find it a strain to look at linux on the TV. If they're anything like me, that would be like 3X/day. Now I hear the RTE uses NTSC? What a joke. Its not even funny. Those pins there aren't indestructible. That's serious wear and tear. Well, I guess there's always telnet or something. I hear it flashes even on some SOG monitors? I don't get why webTV and the like can make it look good on TV and they can't.

What's the deal? Why did they not make the default use TV and make it look decent, including the install? Then let the "gurus" use their monitors if they want.

I feel sorry for the folks who forked out the bucks and are now scampering about like chickens with their heads chopped off.


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word of cautionrdel2002-May-29 13:57


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