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Project Name |
Description | ecare/itv prototype for senior citizens | This software is a prototype of a server-client system for senior citizens. It consists of a shopping-system, a message-system, a health-system, an emergency-system and two games. The software was created as the practical part of my diploma thesis. It is stable, however it is very insecure and slow, because the purpose of this prototype was to do usability-tests. | Eclipse Syntax Highlite MIPS + VU | Test eclipse plugins for using MIPS instruction sets syntax highlite and eclipse cross compiler reliability. | EffecTV for PS2 | "EffecTV" is a real-time video effect processor.
You can enjoy movies, TV programs and any other video stream through the many amazing effects.
"EffecTV for PS2" is a specialized version for PlayStation2 Linux.
It uses the power of graphics processing of PlayStation2 to create
more amazing effect. | Elite Black Edition | Based on the tutorials provided by Dr H S Fortuna a remake of the 1980's classic 'Elite' for the SONY PlayStation 2 Linux Development Kit. In the initial release only the original game will be available, ie trading/combat, however future addtions include the ability to play 'online', more ships, features (ability to fly around the planet surface for example, co-operation between players, fleet management and control, planetary system control.
Work in progress, currently will render all objects, and basic trading is being worked in at the moment.
The new home for this project is located here. | EmotionVJ | The purpose of this project is to create a PlayStation2-based visual mixer, that allows you to create your own "clips". Ideally it will work with 3d objects, particles, text and images that you can store on your HDD.
Far future plans: support for EyeToy or USB Camera and USB sound sampling (for real-time synchro to the music).
It will be like Moderngroove MOS Edition, but open for new visualisation sources. | EyeToy driver - Linux for PlayStation2 | Driver to allow people to use the EyeToy in their projects on Linux for PlayStation 2. |