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Posted By: msporny
Date: 2002-Jul-08 10:31
Summary:xrhino-kernel project releases 2.2.21-pre1-xr7

At long last the 2.2.x series kernel for the Playstation 2 is nearing completion with the release of 2.2.21-pre1-xr7. This is a completely updated Playstation 2 Linux kernel that should work on any commercial PS2 Linux kit. The kernel is ready for users to start downloading and testing. Kernel binaries and source can be found at the xrhino-kernel project.

The 2.2.21-xr7 release is a big jump that brings us to the forefront of mainstream 2.2.21 kernel development. Once 2.2.21 is stable, we plan to immediately start on a 2.4.x port for the Playstation 2 Linux kernel. But, for 2.2.21 to become stable, we need people to brutally test it!

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Discussion Forums: xrhino-kernel project releases 2.2.21-pre1-xr7


Message: 20088
BY: kevink
DATE: 2002-Jul-11 08:55
SUBJECT: FPU Emulation?

So, has anyone succeeded in adapting the
FPU emulation from the 2.4.x MIPS kernels
into the PS2 kernel? While applications
that are built native for the PS2 are better
off using the EE-oriented compilers that
do double precision floats in software,
if one wants to run binaries from the rest
of the MIPS/Linux universe, or even get the
JIT part of kaffe working, this is necessary.
I've got it partly working, but had to set
it aside a week or two ago to work on other
stuff. Should I finish it when I get a
chance (next week, maybe), or has someone
else already done it?


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FPU Emulation?kevink2002-Jul-11 08:55


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