PS2 Hardware in Linux HOWTOs - Docs

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HOWTO submit a HOWTO

HOWTO submission guidelines (first draft)

First off, if you wish to write a HOWTO, please check the list of requested HOWTOs, and the HOWTO request forum, to determine what HOWTOs are currently needed. Then please check the Task manager to see if any of those HOWTOs are currently in progress.

If you wish to amend a HOWTO, please either contact the original author, or post to the Open discussion forum of this project.

These basic guidelines will be updated with stylistic information shortly. Please include the date the HOWTO was written, a one-line indication of the scope of the document (if possible, I'm not anticipating huge HOWTOs being submitted) and your name/handle as you would prefer to be recognised. If you do not provide an alternative e-mail address, your address will be used to contact you.

In the meantime, to submit a HOWTO please e-mail it to eratosthenes, or use the Doc Manager facilities of this project. (Go to the Docs tab, and "submit new documentation", then paste your HTML straight in)

HOWTOs can be submitted in plain text or HTML format only please (unless you can convince me that you need to submit in another file format).