Video Input for PS2-Linux - Summary

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Project Description: Video4ps2linux is a basic framework for Video input on PS2-Linux using a USB camera. The framework uses the video4linux API and runs with ov511 chipset based cameras such as the Creative webcam plus. Rendering of the video frames is currently taken care of by ps2gl. Image processing functions such as Background Subtraction & Thresholding, Convolution low pass filtering and noise reduction are part of the project. These are provided to encourage experimentation with using video as an input device on PS2 for games or other projects. An example of using these functions as an input method for displacement mapping is included. Possible goals of the project are: Optimise all the video code to run with the MIPS-core Multi-Media Instructions, and add further Image processing functions into the project to expand the repetoire of input methods (such as Motion detection, colour tracking etc).

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