Doom for PS2 - Summary

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Project Description: The core of this project is to have a port of the Doom game to the PS2 platform. The port will be base on the already great port on Linux (csdoom, ggidoom, legacy, lsdldoom, prboom, zdoom, etc.) of the original Doom game source by idSoftware. The base feature for this port are ease to install (RPM and source), ease to use (command line and x-window) with clear documentation and support for joystick (DUALSHOCK 2 analog controller), mouse and keyboard. Also this project will provide a documented evaluation for each port with strong and weakness, installation step and tip to run it. A database of *.WAD (map) compatibility with the port. Finally, the port will be modified to use power of the PS2 to increase the immersion experience of Doom with the same game play.

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