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 VCL - Vector Unit Command Line
 Linux kit at Assembly 2002, Finland
 US: Linux (for Playstation 2) Kit temporarily unavailable
 xrhino-kernel project releases 2.2.21-pre1-xr7
 Independant Games Festival
 Linux kit at Consumer Electronics Show, Australia, 13-16 June
 European orders: your contact details, Public holidays
 Linux kit at Extreme Computing festival, London, UK on Sun 9th June
 Codingstyle Interviews Linux (for Playstation 2) people
 Linux kit released in Europe & New Zealand (Australia on 27th)
 Linux Kit at Computerworld Expo, NZ
 Project Registration is Open
 Monitor List
 First release of xRhino Playstation 2 Linux kernel
 Pre-orders now available in North America
 Mailing lists
 Linux Kit at Game Developers Conference in San Jose
 Linux kit on show at CEBIT, Germany
 IRC Channel Available
 Forum Behavior
 Linuxworld Expo in New York