BY: sarahe DATE: 2003-Aug-07 09:13 SUBJECT: RE: What an ordeal....Your PIN gets posted to you instead of sent over the online link to confirm that the address you gave is the right one :) It's nothing to do with security so much as verification. Your address matters as SCE will be posting out updated Central Station discs with new features on them.
I've just checked with Joel, and it can take up to a month for the PIN to arrive. There's no rush because right now all it does is confirm your address on the account. As I understand it, it will be used in the future for new services that come online, but right now, you can't do anything with it anyway, so there is no hurry. You can log into Central Station and use all the currently available services without it.
I'm not sure why you're telling me why you'd pay more money to receive the same hardware, network access disk, and voucher that we've supplied with the kit either. The registration process would be the same for you either way. |