Playstation 2 Linux System Documentation - Summary

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Project Description: The P2LSD Project provides documentation for setting up, using and programming for the Playstation 2 Linux system. Items included in the project are FAQs, HOW-TOs and Handbooks about very specific PS2 Linux topics such as "How to use the IPU" and "The Memory Card FAQ".

Package Latest Release Files    [ View all project files ]
Email me when this package is updated Programming 1.02 Examine archive contents 01_moving_sprite.tgz (14 KB)
Examine archive contents 02_show_time.tgz (16 KB)
Examine archive contents 03_vram_viewer.tgz (15 KB)
32bit_colour_channel_shifting.pdf (169 KB)
fastrsqrt.pdf (68 KB)
guide_ps2_programming_01.html (12 KB)
ps2_normalmapping.pdf (2.1 MB)
ps2vufaq.html (26 KB)
sparkys_swizzle_code.html (15 KB)
tips_tricks.html (4 KB)
Email me when this package is updated Runtime Environment 1.0 ps2nohdd.html (5 KB)
ps2rte-howto.xml (8 KB)
Email me when this package is updated System 1.0 p2lkit-handbook.html (42 KB)
Examine archive contents p2lkit-handbook.tar.gz (1.1 MB)

Public Areas
Forums Public Forums ( 6 messages in 3 forums )
Bugs Bug Tracking ( 0 open bugs, 0 total )
Docs Documentation1 docs in 1 groups )
Patches Patch Manager ( 0 open patches, 0 total )
Lists Mailing Lists ( 1 public mailing lists )

Latest News
Initial release of complete system documentation
 Playstation 2 Linux System Documentation - msporny - 2002-Sep-25 09:57
A framework for complete PS2 Linux system documentation has been created and is available for download. The purpose is to create a complete documentation set for developers interested in an overview of the PS2 Linux system and all of its components. The system documentation will not go into nearly as much detail as the technical manuals, but will provide a good starting point for the average techie.

The documentation is in DocBook format, all images are in SVG format (converted to PostScript and PNG formats). The documentation is available under the GNU Free Documentation License and everybody is urged to contribute to the large work. Please submit changes and additions as patches to the original DocBook xml source code.

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