memcardlib - A memory card library - Summary

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Project Description: The standard memory card interface exposed through Linux ends up being a little cumbersome in real applications. If you want to read or get information about the memory card you end up having to open the device and do ioctl commands on it. If you want to write or delete files you end up having to mount/umount the memory card into some known directory and then perform your file operations. This library collects most of the things you might want to do with a memory card; such as determine the type and read, write, or delete files; and wraps them up into a neat interface, making the whole process of managing memory card files much easier.

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Email me when this package is updated memcardlib memcardlib-0.1.2 Examine archive contents memcardlib-0.1.2.tar (40 KB)
Email me when this package is updated PS2Storage PS2Storage-0.1 Examine archive contents PS2Storage-0.1.tar (30 KB)

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