memcardlib - A memory card library - Files

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Release Name: PS2Storage-0.1 [Download]

PS2Storage Version 0.1
By: Derek Nedelman
Date Released: August 24, 2002
Home Page:

About PS2Storage:
  Built on top of memcardlib library, PS2Storage is a set of C++ classes that make 
  accessing the PS2 memory cards even easier, while adding new functionality for the
  hard drive.

  The PS2MemoryCard class provides nothing more than a thin wrapper over the memcard 
  library, providing a slightly cleaned up interface over those functions that's
  easier to use than the straight C function calls.

  The PS2HardDrive class wraps a number of system functions for dealing with files on
  the hard drive. This may seem excessive to some - after all, you CAN just open and 
  close files at will, since we're all developing under Linux, which guarantees there 
  will be a hard drive. For many applications, this is totally acceptable. But, if 
  the intent is to make a game, it would be advantageous to centralize the "storage access" 
  routines for any or all of the following reasons:
    -It makes your code more modular and easy to maintain
    -Should a non-RTE environment appear for PS2 development, you won't need
     to change any of your code that uses this library - that would be my job.
    -Should you ever get really lucky and get to develop your game on a professional
     PS2 development kit, you would only need to rewrite a handful of simple, well-defined
     functions without changing your main program.

Features in this release are:
  -A C++ based, object-oriented architecture 
  -1 sample program demonstrating the usage of this library

  -REQUIRES the memcardlib files to compile 
  -The classes.txt file is a complete record of all the classes and their public methods,  
   describing what each method's purpose is, what its parameters are, and what values are  
  -main.cpp contains a simple program demonstrating the use of PS2Storage. The program
   has 4 modes of operation: write, read, delete, and stats. They all create or operate 
   on a file on the memory card named PS2StorageTest.txt. Needless to say, you need
   to have a memory card in slot 0 for the program to work. To compile this program
   type: make
   A summary of what each mode does follows:
     Command-line           What happens
     ------------           -----------------------------------------------------
     ./main stats	    Prints out the memory card and hard drive info
     ./main write           Writes (creates) the file PS2StorageTest.txt to the memory card
     ./main read            Reads and prints out the memory card file PS2StorageTest.txt
     ./main delete          Deletes the memory card file PS2StorageTest.txt

Limitations of PS2Storage:
  -Same as memcardlib

Contacting me:
  AOL Instant Messenger: SuperNedelman
  Other AOL Instant Messenger: SuperDuperDerek

Changes: 0.1 - Release August 24, 2002 -First release.