gg - 3d graphics toolkit - Summary

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Project Description: I AM VERY BUSY (school) AT THE MOMENT, BUT I SHOULD BE ABLE TO RELEASE SOMETHING SOON. GG provides programmers with an interface similar to OpenGL display lists for drawing geometry to the screen. GG is not (nor uses) ps2gl, and has a different goal. GG currently has two implementations: -PS2/Linux: (This version is almost finished) Display lists are compiled into DMA chains, and called when rendered to the screen, using a modified version of KISS renderer. -PC/Windows: (In development) Calls to GG are translated into calls in OpenGL. Features of GG: -display lists -adjustable perspective matrix (clipping planes, adjustable fov) -textrure mapping -modelview matrix stack -movable camera -alpha blending (buggy on) -text overlay above graphics (replaceable bitmapped font) -gourard shading -directional lights (3) (diffuse only on ps2 version) -automatic normal rescaling Planned features: -fix alpha blending -positional lights -specular on ps2

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