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Posted By: eratosthenes
Date: 2003-Jul-31 06:25
Summary:GIFer released

I'm still waiting on separate project space for the GIFer to be approved, but until it is, I've uploaded it here.

What is the GIFer?

It's a tool which allows you to analyse GIFpackets, which comes in handy in 2 distinct places. Firstly, you build a .dat file that gets placed in VU memory at the beginning of your demo - this file usually contains pre-built GIFpackets which you can analyse to make sure they're doing exactly what you intended.

Secondly, Sauce's modified harness (and my modified harness derived from it) allows you to dump the contents of VU memory to a file whilst the demo is running. This .dmp file will more than likely contain several GIFpackets too, each of which can be analysed to ensure again that they are doing their job properly.

The GIFer will give some warnings about possible GIFtag abuse - such as trying to use the PRIM field in REGLIST mode - I believe this is one of the most useful parts to the program.

It's in beta becuase although I've tested it with my .dat files, I don't yet make use of all of the available GS registers, so I can't be 100% sure that the register specifications have made it into the program without typos - please let me know if you find one (When the GIFer has it's own project space there will be a bug reporting facility - until then just e-mail me)

Happy microcoding!

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