Aidoru AI engine - News

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Posted By: yonderboy
Date: 2002-Jun-01 16:51
Summary:Project officially started - first few functions done!!!

the project has officially begun. I chose to start with a parallel implementation of catmull-rom because it is simple, short, and a good way to practice PS2 vector assembly. Now all I have to do is learn to use micro mode and we'll be on our way. Anyway, I am going to wait off on posting the code I have finished so far until I have more done. My entire network is 802.11 and getting a net connection on my PS2 is going to be quite the hassle!
For those of you curious, catmull-rom will be used throughout the engine, especially in smoothing out motion paths found through some A* variations I am playing with.
The overall design of the AI engine is still in the planning phase so please feel free to submit comments and suggestions as to what you'd like to see.
- Yonder

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