Quake 2 for PS2 - News

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Posted By: spooticus
Date: 2002-Jun-07 09:45
Summary:Yes it really does work

I've gotten it to work! However there are bugs in Mesa-ps2. To get it to work, this is the quake2 commandline:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/doc/PlayStation2/mesa/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib

./quake2 +set vid_ref gl +set gl_driver libGL.so +set gl_ext_pointparameters 0 +set gl_ext_palettedtexture 0 +set gl_ext_multitexture 0 +set gl_picmip 1 +set r_fullbright 1 +set gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR

This disables several unsupported GL extensions the driver never bothers to disable, turns off lightmaps, scales down textures for memory savings, and disables mipmapping.

Note this won't work on the stock Mesa-ps2 library because I had to fix a depth buffer clear bug and recompile it. I'll post the patch.

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