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Posted By: djspringate
Date: 2003-Mar-25 21:20
Summary:PS2LQuake - 0.0.1

I have released my PS2LQuake ver 0.0.1

This is a streamlined and optimised Quake for Playstation 2 Linux and currently works very well with the software renderer (X11 and SDL) but the GL mode is still in development.

I understand that PS2LQuake is built almost entirely on the sources of Quakeforge and I do not wish to take away any credit from them, so hats off to all those clever people at Quakeforge.

I have released PS2LQuake as a seperate package so that it can be updated and optimised specifically with the PS2L setup in mind. The control pad (Dual Shock 2) works well with Quake and GL mode is still a possibility.

This project will continue with the idea of adding some generic mods such as Rocket Arena, QWRequiem, some bots etc. and packaging it all in one archive.

I hope all the new people wondering what to do with the PS2L kits can appreciate this, its easy to setup and can also run as a dedicated Quake server on your network.

Now that I have sucessfully finished setting up my PS2L kit as a Quake/QuakeWorld and Quake2 server Q3A is in my sights... ;)

Contact me with any problems, suggestions or advice.


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