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Open Folder  Development Status
    Open Folder  5 - Production/Stable
          Deliverables are complete and usable by the intended audience.

  Name Description Subprojects
Project 3D graphical MUD ClientThe client uses TCP/IP to connect to a server, which will provide strategic and tactical information regarding the game. Operational decisions are made by the client. The client supports audio using /dev/dsp, graphics using SPS2 (code by Jonathan "Kazan" Hobson), and uses both the pads and the keyboard as interfaces. It will allow people to talk to each other, fight each other and the monsters that are in the MUD, and solve any available quests (two so far). Models are stored in Milkshape 3D format, textures in swizzled tm2 format and audio is currently in 11025 mono 8-bit format, though this could change later. Players can move around with the directional buttons and the left stick, control the camera with the right stick, interact with the environment using the square button, fight using the cross button. Many other options (spells, option screens, mail boxes, et cetera) are available. See the file "CONTROLS" for details. The project is currently looking for people that want to help coding and testing. Please contact me! (Contact me if you download the code, want to use the server, or for any other reason).None
Project GIF/VIF/DMAtag disassemblerReads in a GIF/VIF/DMAtag from a file, and prints its contents to the screen, useful in debugging perhaps. Current beta can translate GIFtags and provide warnings for some errors that may be hard to catch (e.g. setting PRIM in REGLIST mode). No VIF/DMA support yet. Compatible with .dat files for VU competitions, and VU dumps from Sauce's modified harnessNone
Project GNU C CompilerGCC is a standards compliant C compiler supported on a great number of platforms. This project will release binary and source versions of the compiler with support for Linux for Playstation 2.None
Project Laatukauraa (demo)Laatukauraa is a tAAt ( combined demo contribution for the Assembly 2002. Unfortunately it was not shown on the big screen, but here it is. Enjoy. Includes source code (uses PS2GL). Does NOT contain the used libraries (libmad ( for mp3 playback and ODE ( for physics. Requires the newest bigphysarea kernel patches (for PS2STUFF). None
Project Linux for PlayStation 2 CommunityLinux for PlayStation 2 Community administrative page.None
Project MIPS Assembly Language TutorialThis is a tutorial in MIPS assembly language programming, intended for individuals that have not seen assembly language programming before. There is nothing in this course specific to the PS2, however PS2 developers have found the course useful. The emphasis on how computers work. The goal of the course is not to turn you into a MIPS programmer, but to give you an understanding of all computer systems. The only equipment you need for this course is a PC. The only software you need is the SPIM simulator of the MIPS R2000 processor and a text editor. The simulator is available by free download. None
Project Mozilla for PlayStation2This project will provide a Mozilla distribution for the PlayStation2. This project will also collect associated files, utilities and documentation to enable users to build Mozilla on their own.None
Project Pinp Is Not Pool
====== Everything is now uploaded and in final form as far as we are concerned ====

This project is (at this stage) exactly what it says it isn't: a Pool game for the PS2 :)

The intention when this project was started was to create an arcadey Pool game with powerups, jumps, different playing surfaces etc... We were not able to achieve this in the given time, but otherwise it's a nice entertaining game :)

The game has been in development by us - a team of 4 at the University of Canberra - for about a year now, as our final year Engineering project. It was done mostly working on Saturdays and perhaps a few days here and there where we could fit them in.

To do in the future (probably by other willing people, since we don't have access to PS2s outside of uni):

Implement the 'arcadey' portion.
Make physics run better (on VUs?).
Whatever anyone comes up with :).
Project Samba101Samaba101 will be a project covering the installation, setting up and using Samba on your PS2 Linux Kit. After setup is done correctly you will be able to transfer files from other platforms such as Windows. This project will be my first of a series of projects concerning the PlayStation®2 Linux Kit and I will record eveything I learn as I go along from what to do and what not to do. The documents will be in PDF ( Acrobat ) format. Comments are welcome and can be sent to little_addict@hotmail.comNone
Project Simple OSS Sound for PS2 LinuxSOSS allows defining instruments, specifying waveform, ADSR envelope and stereophonic pan envelope, which can be played in one of multiple sound channels using a simple API, SOSS will compute the resulting waveform in real time, and output it to a OSS /dev/dsp device. Sample code is included which plays a short piece of music, but SOSS can also be used for sound effects. The mixer is written in assembly language, and utilizes EE Core multimedia instructions.None
Project Texture SwizzlingezSwizzle is a Windows MFC application that allows you to swizzle/unswizzle your textures. It reads a number of formats and has a batch feature to convert all your textures quickly. It generates TIM2 files, but with the source provided it is very easy to change it to generate any format you are using. The documentation also explains the theory behind texture swizzle and has a table with swizzleable sizes and respective speed increases.None
Project The BlackRhino Linux DistributionBlackRhino is a free Debian-based GNU/Linux software distribution for the Sony PlayStation 2. It contains over 1,200 software packages to aid in using and creating programs for the Sony PlayStation 2 GNU/Linux kit. The software packages range in functionality from simple games, to text editors, compilers, web servers, windowing systems, database systems, graphics packages, mail servers and a variety of other tools and utilities. It is released in the hopes that an up-to-date Linux distribution will aid hobbyist game and embedded systems programmers in gaining new skills and creating new software for the PS2 Linux system. None
Project VU1nteractiveSimplistic tool to view VU1 register settings and execute single commands on the VU, first step in creating a debugger. Postponed indefinitely due to lack of resources. [For a VU debugger, please see svvudb, and don't forget to set breakpoints.]None
Project Xaal'Tiqincis VXaal'Tiqincis V is basically the fifth regeneration of the old Xaal'Tiqincis program that the Digital Challenge Group started writing in 1989. This time without the graphics from Jan-Willem van Aalst, but with 3D graphics provided by the ps2mud client, a project elsewhere on this site. This project will contain example server code for the ps2mud as well as documentation about the project, as well as form an umbrella for all related projects. Note that to run the software, you will need the pike programming languages working on your platform.None