soundlib - A sound library - Summary

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Project Description: This library provides a set of functions that allow for mixing and output of sound on the Playstation 2 Linux platform. Among the features provided by this library are: -Built-in support for WAV, MP3, and OGG sound formats. -Streaming from memory (for higher performance) or disk (for reduced memory usage). -User-defined "callback" sounds. -Hooks for post-processing on individual sounds as well as device buffers. -3D sound processing. -Changeable volume and playback rate for sounds. -8 sample programs demonstrating features of the library. -It's free. The source code is yours to do whatever you'd like. -And more.....

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Email me when this package is updated soundlib soundlib-0.1 doc.htm (210 KB)
Examine archive contents soundlib-0.1.tar.gz (1.4 MB)
Email me when this package is updated soundlib-snippets soundlib-snippets sync_play.c (2 KB)

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