PS2Pad Version 0.1.2
By: Derek Nedelman
Date Released: August 12, 2002
Home Page:
About PS2Pad:
Built on top of joypadlib library, PS2Pad is a set of C++ classes that make
accessing the PS2 joypads even easier, while adding new functionality.
Features in this release are:
-A C++ based, object-oriented architecture
-Maintenance of joypad state to provide additional information such as
button velocities and button status (holding, just pressed, released)
-A user-extendable vibration effect class to allow customized vibration patterns
-A user-customizable throttle class for slowing down the speed of input events
-4 sample programs demonstrating these new features
-REQUIRES the joypadlib files to compile
-The classes.txt file is a complete record of all the classes and their public methods,
describing what each method's purpose is, what its parameters are, and what values are returned.
-The sample programs:
1)basic - Demonstrates basic usage of the PS2Pad library. Not too complex
File: main_basic.cpp
To compile: make main_basic
To run: ./main_basic
2)changes - Demonstrates how to use PS2Pad's ability to track changes in button presses
File: main_changes.cpp
To compile: make main_changes
To run: ./main_changes
3)rumble - Demonstrates how to define and set new vibration effects
File: main_rumble.cpp
To compile: make main_rumble
To run: ./main_rumble
4)throttle - Demonstrates how to throttle the joypad inputs
File: main_throttle.cpp
To compile: make main_throttle
To run: ./main_throttle
Limitations of PS2Pad:
-Same as joypadlib
Contacting me:
AOL Instant Messenger: SuperNedelman
Other AOL Instant Messenger: SuperDuperDerek
0.1.2 - Released August 22, 2002
-Fixed project URL in classes.txt and readme.txt (this file)
-Fixed a mistake in the main_throttle.cpp sample program. Was incorrectly
terminating by calling exit(), causing the joypad to remain locked in analog mode.
-Added "const" to PS2Pad::GetPressure() and PS2Pad::GetVelocity(). Updated
documentation in classes.txt accordingly
-Corrected the documentation for PS2PadThrottle::SetStickThresholds(...)
0.1.1 - Released August 12, 2002
-First release. It has the weird version to match the current release of joypadlib